Perform actions that use stamina until the character has nearly filled his stamina bar. Normal attacks, dashing and skills all use stamina. You recover stamina over time, so you need to perform these attacks fairly quickly to fill the stamina bar almost completely.
Switch to a second character.
Perform actions that use stamina until the second character has nearly filled his stamina bar.
Switch back to your first character.
Perform an action that uses more stamina than this character has remaining. This causes the character to go into an overdrive state.
Use any attack or skill. The effectiveness of this attack or skill is increased while in the overdrive state. This character immediately goes into the overheat state after making this attack. He is no longer able to take actions until his stamina recovers.
Switch to the second character.
Perform an action that uses more stamina than this character has remaining. This must be performed while the first character is still overheated. This causes the character to go into the chain drive state, which is identical to overdrive except this character can perform a chain break.
Use any attack or skill. In addition to the effectiveness increase, this attack becomes a chain break. The stamina for both characters is completely recovered when a chain break is performed. As a result, neither character is overheated.