Things You'll Need
Turn off your Xbox 360 after the E68 error occurs. Disconnect both parts of the power adapter and reconnect it to the system. Remove any peripherals and memory cards. Wait 30 seconds and turn the console back on to determine if the problem is a one-time occurrence or a possible hardware failure.
Turn off your console. Press the hard drive release button on the top of the system. Pull up on the hard drive enclosure, located to the left of the hard drive button, to remove the drive from your 360. Turn on the console. If you do not get a red flashing light or the error code, the problem is with your hard drive.
Turn off the Xbox. Spray canned air in to the hard drive slot to dislodge any dust that may be causing issues. Slide the hard drive into place carefully and turn your Xbox 360 on.
Test your console with a different Xbox 360 hard drive. If your system works with a different hard drive, call Microsoft at 800-4MY-XBOX or request a repair online, as your hard drive may need to be replaced.