Choose a wrestler who has at least one ally listed in his profile. An ally is someone who will interfere in a match on the wrestler's behalf. You can check and edit a wrestler's allies and enemies by clicking on "Superstar Management" from the main menu and then choosing "WWE Rivals." Select the wrestler you want to use to see the list of his allies and enemies.
Pick an opponent that has at least one enemy listed under his profile. An enemy will attack your opponent to settle a personal grudge. The more allies you have and the more enemies the opponent has increases the odds of interference in your favor.
Turn on match interference before the match starts. This screen will appear after you pick the wrestlers in the match. Click on the "Match Options" tab in the middle of the screen under the wrestler pictures and scroll down to "Match Interference." Click on it to turn the option on.
Wrestle the match. While you can't call for interference specifically, someone is more likely to run down to the ring if the opponent hits a finishing move on you. Likewise, one of your opponent's friends or one of your enemies may run down if you are close to victory and execute your finishing maneuver. The computer decides who will run in as the match progresses.