"Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars"
NOD Shadow Squads are stealth units that hover, wield two pistols and blow up structures with explosives. To get free NOD Shadow Squads, pause the game while playing as NOD. Using the directional pad and buttons on the console, press "Left," "Right," "Up" three times, "Down," "RB," "LB" twice and then "B."
"Command &Conquer: Red Alert 3"
Sending a spy into different enemy buildings will have various effects in "Red Alert 3." To get cash, sneak a spy into your opponent's refinery. Send the spy into the power plant to disable your opponent's base's power for 30 seconds. If your opponent has a superweapon, get a spy into it to reset its counter.
"Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath"
In "Kane's Wrath," there are some buildings, such as the Statue of Kane, that can only be built once. However, if you build an MCV and deploy a second construction yard, you get two building queues. If you build the structure you want from both construction yards at the same time, you can have two "unique" buildings. If you have more construction yards, you can build even more special buildings.