Complete the campaign under the normal difficulty level to unlock the EVA helmet. Finishing the fight on the Legendary difficulty provides the player with the EOD helmet.
Earn a Gamerscore of at least 1,000 points in "Halo 3" to get the Security helmet. "Halo 3" has a total of 1,750 obtainable achievement points to obtain.
Find all of the human skulls in the campaign mode to receive the Hayabusa helmet. There is a single skull hidden in each of the 13 levels.
Play many online games of "Halo 3" and win often to earn the ODST, Mark V and Rogue Spartan helmets. These helmets unlock based upon your rank over Xbox Live and they become available when you reach the Spartan Graduate, UNSC Spartan and Spartan Officer ranks.
Kill another player over Xbox Live while riding the Mongoose all-terrain vehicle to secure the Scout helmet. This also unlocks the "Mongoose Mowdown" achievement.