Things You'll Need
Achievement Unlocked Generator
Open your Internet browser and navigate to the Achievement Unlocked Generator.
Click your mouse pointer in the text box at the bottom of the page labeled "Achievement-Text."
Type your custom achievement title in the box. For instance, type "You just washed the dishes without flooding the house" or "Bigfoot Discovered."
Add the imaginary Gamer Score awarded by your achievement. For instance, you could type, "Bigfoot Discovered (45 G)" or something similar.
Click the "Generate" button to the right of the text box. The generator will automatically create your achievement and display a copyable version in the top left corner of the window.
Xbox 360 Achievement Generator
Open your Internet browser and navigate to the Xbox 360 Achievement Generator.
Type the desired Gamer Score awarded by your fictional achievement in the box provided.
Type the title of your achievement in the box labeled "Text." You are allowed 25 characters.
Click the "Browse" button to select a picture from your computer that you would like to display with your custom achievement.
Fill in the "Your Name" box if you would like to be identified with the achievement.
Check the various boxes under "Green Lights" and "Red Lights" to cause the respective lights to appear beside your custom achievement. By default, the upper-left green box is checked.
Click the "Generate Achievement" button to view your creation. Copy the link at the top of the page to direct your friends and family to your custom achievement.