Defeating Motaro
Do a jump-kick away from Motaro immediately when the fight begins, as he usually opens with a tail-sweep or fireball attack.
Use jump-kicks or teleport attacks to stun Motaro and create openings for further attacks. Scorpion's mid-air teleport attack is particularly useful. Do not use projectile attacks, as Motaro will simply send them flying back at you.
Run in and perform a combo attack when Motaro is stunned. Successful combo attacks are crucial to defeating Motaro.
Jump-kick away from Motaro if he blocks any of your attacks, including combos. He might counterattack by grabbing and punching your character.
Keep on the offensive. If you allow Motaro to corner you, the fight becomes more difficult. Keep moving and attack him at any opportunity.
Attack Motaro whenever he grunts and jumps at you -- this is when he is most vulnerable. You can even land a successful uppercut if you are quick enough.
Study Motaro's patterns and learn his weaknesses if you continue to have difficulty with the fight. Note the range and timing of his attacks; his tail-sweep could give you the opportunity to perform a successful jump-kick, while his fireball might leave him vulnerable to a quick combo.