Get connected to the Internet. You'll have to choose an Internet service provider (ISP). Choose an ISP that's reliable and provides high-speed Internet access.
Purchase a direct modem connection. This is the best way to connect to Xbox Live.
Get a router connection if you have a stand-alone modem from your ISP. The router will let you share your Internet connection between your Xbox and your computer.
Use a Gateway Connection to connect to Xbox Live if you have a Gateway, which is a combination of a router and modem. Your ISP may provide a Gateway and can help you with the Gateway Connection if you need help.
Choose a Windows ICS connection if you're using a modem that's inside your computer.
Get a Microsoft Passport Network account. You have one if you have a hotmail, MSN or account. If you don't have one yet, you can get one from your Xbox Dashboard.
Select the "Xbox Live Banner" with no disc in your Xbox 360. Then select "Join Xbox Live." Follow the prompted steps such as entering an e-mail address and gamer zone to start playing Xbox Live.