Read the terms and conditions or rules section before joining the forum. Some forums do not allow modified gamer tags and will either ban or expel you for using them.
Create a unique gamer tag. If your original choice for a gamer tag is taken, you can add numbers to the end of it, use an alternate spelling or think of a completely new tag. Gamer tags must be unique since having members with the same tag causes confusion in the forum.
Insert the gamer tag and, without any spaces, add the "^" symbol to the end directly followed by the number code of the color you want to use for your gamer tag. Red equals 1, green equals 2, yellow equals 3, blue equals 4, baby blue equals 5, pink equals 6, white equals 7, grey equals 9 and black equals 0. Code number 8 changes your gamer tag to different colors based on what level you are on, dark green for American maps, dark red for Russian Maps or dark blue for British maps. Your gamer tag is modified and ready to use.