Things You'll Need
Select your favorite .GIF file and open it with image editing software. Resize or crop the image so that the dimensions of the picture are 64 by 64 pixels. Save this image as a .PNG file with the name "pp_64" (without the quotes). Resize the image again so that the dimensions are 32 by 32 pixels. Save the image as a .PNG again, but with the name "pp_32" this time.
Insert your USB drive into your Xbox 360 USB port and turn on the Xbox. Open your Xbox Dashboard, go to "System Settings," "Memory," "Gamer Profiles," and then find your personal user profile. Move your profile to your USB drive.
Take a picture with your Xbox Live Vision Camera. It doesn't matter what you take a picture of, because you will replace this picture with your customized .PNG file. After taking the picture, click "Accept picture" and remove the USB storage device. Remove the Internet cable from the back of your Xbox 360. This will disconnect you from Xbox Live without making permanent changes to your profile picture.
Go to your PC and insert your USB drive. Use the Horizon program to open your USB drive. Open the "GamerProfiles" folder and extract your profile to your desktop. This is so that you have a backup in case you make a mistake.
Click "Package Manager" in the Horizon program. Use the Package Manager to open your USB drive and access the Profile folder on the drive. You will see two files in your profile folder called "pp_32" and "pp_64." Replace these files with the customized files that you made earlier. Click "Save, Rehash, and Resign." Remove your USB drive.
Insert the USB drive back into your Xbox. Reconnect your Internet cable and go back into your Xbox profile. If your modified picture is not showing, go to "Edit Profile," then go to "Gamerpicture" and select "Personal Picture." Select the modified picture.